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Discover the Path in (and Out) of Persistent Pain, Illness and Dis-ease

Writer's picture: Dr Mish GrubisaDr Mish Grubisa

How do longstanding persistent symptoms develop? Why do they progressively get worse over time? What do past experiences have to do with anything? How can you break the pain cycle? Read on to discover the answers to all of these questions in this infographic.

How Did I Even Get Here?

Understanding the steps of how we got somewhere, is just as powerful as understanding the steps of how to get out of our situation. Knowing that this journey is a continuum and is far from linear, are the first step to understanding the bigger picture in empowering yourself with the clarity, direction and knowhow to focus on the path to where we would rather be.

All of us find ourselves, at one time or another, facing the unexpected and asking ourselves "How did I even get here?" Whether its because of crippling pain or a chronic health diagnosis, disappointments in love, friendships, family or finances stresses, professional or career dissatisfaction, you've become overwhelmed with adulting, or there are simply events beyond your control, life doesn't always turn out how you expected or intended it to be.

If we are not aware, life can have a not so funny way of catching up with us. Before we know it, our responsibilities are piling up around us, those insignificant niggles from past injuries or accidents start playing up, things become overwhelming, and we find ourselves in a downward spiral.

The journey looks different for everyone.

We are all unique individuals, as too are our stories. For some people, this journey can begin in our early childhood years (Step #1). For others, it may begin at the onset of physical or emotional symptoms or a health diagnosis from our health care practitioner (Step #6). In either cases, both are equally as valid as they are real.

So with that being said, take a moment to meander your way from top to bottom, points 1-16 and check in with yourself to see if any of these could be applicable to you.

For now, it's a summary overview to scan over, with a more detailed explanation to follow.

The Path In (and Out) of Chronic Pain, Illness and Dis-Ease

How did you go? Did any points in the above infographic surprise you? It can be a lot to take in, so here are a few things to consider as you allow all of this information to digest and settle in:

  • This is by far not a comprehensive list of all the factors that contribute to chronic pain, illness and dis-ease. Anything that has happened in your brain, body, or life could play a role.

  • You may find that ALL of these factors are relevant to you, or that only a few of them are. Either way, your pain is very real and your experience is valid.

  • Everything depicted in this infographic is a natural, human response. If any of these factors influence your pain, it does not mean that you have done anything wrong.

  • The development of chronic pain is not your fault AND there are plenty of things you can do to break this cycle.

We didn't want to give you a brain explosion, so the above infographic is a summary of a more detailed explanation of the individual steps outlined below.

From Chaos to Calm

There is no denying we live in turbulent times of profound change, and many of us find ourselves at physical, emotional and spiritual crossroads. Most people that experience persistent longstanding pain, illness or physical and emotional dis-ease often find themselves stuck in a "Downward Spiral (Step #10), plagued with confusion, frustration and overwhelm when in comes to their health." If this rings true for you, you're not alone.

This is often the point when we start to see clients in clinic, claiming that they are broken, they've tried everything, or succumbed to the belief that their condition or symptom is just part of them or they are just getting old and pain is a natural part of ageing. Well, we are here to assure you that is not the case at all, and more importantly, there is hope.

You don't know what you dont know, so if you would like to get up to date with he latest in pain science, are open to a new way of thinking and would like to deepen your understanding on the path in (and out) of chronic pain, illness and dis-ease, keep reading.

Ready to take a deeper dive into your healing journey?

If thats a yes, fantastic. You are obviously very ready for change . A willingness, the courage to priorities yourself, along with building your knowledge are the first steps in developing your awareness and moving in a positive direction with your health goals.

Below is a more comprehensive explanation of the above summarised infographic. We recommend you pour yourself a cup of tea, sit back and absorb the following knowledge with a curious mind, as it's the foundational basis of understanding the bigger picture of the path in (and Out) of persistent pain, illness and dis-ease.

Step # 1. Ancestral and Generational Baggage

Research increasingly shows that trauma can be passed down through epigenetic changes, altering gene expression and affecting the nervous system. This can lead to a heightened stress response and weaker rest-and-digest response, making it harder for the body to relax and recover from stress. These effects can manifest physically and emotionally as anxiety or depression due to changes in the brain's structure and function, including the amygdala, hippocampus, and prefrontal cortex.

Step # 2. Challenging Childhood Experiences

During childhood, the nervous system learns to detect danger. With each experience that is perceived to feel physically or emotionally unsafe, the brain learns to go into protective mode more quickly and its "alarm system" may become increasingly sensitive. Poor nutrition can amplified this response, which can further hinders a child's neurodevelopment, memory, attention, behaviour and cognitive processing during critical periods of brain development.

Step # 3. Coping Strategies

When faced with challenges, children often try to reduce conflict by behaving perfectly. This can lead them to become perfectionists and people-pleasers with poor boundaries in adulthood. The cost that comes with that is a learned, ongoing state of tension and vigilance in the nervous system and self sabotaging belief systems that can hinder success later in life. .

Step # 4. Injuries or Health Experiences

Health scares during childhood can have a huge impact on how protective the nervous system becomes. Major surgeries, injuries, or incorrect diagnoses can lead to pain catastrophising, increased amygdala activity, and a more intense experience of pain. If a child was left alone in hospital, it can also lead to abandonment issues in adult relationships.

Step # 5. Everyday Adult Stress

When an overprotective nervous system meets the everyday stress of adulthood, it often responds by producing physical and emotional symptoms. This may show up in the form of headaches, muscle tension, back aches, neck and shoulder pain, stomach or digestive issues, rapid heart rate, anxiety, depression and many more.

Step # 6. Major Life Events

Just as everyday stressors can trigger physical and emotional symptoms, major life changes can often coincide with the development of new or worsened symptoms. Significant emotion events (SEE) acts as a shock to the nervous system are often the root cause of many ailments.

Common events include:

• Change in relationship status

• Change in housing

• Death or loss of a loved one

• Change in employment or career

• Ongoing discrimination or bullying

• Change in financial standing

• Involvement in an abusive relationship

• Traumatic or shocking events

• Significant emotional events

Step # 7. Chronic Symptoms

At any point, an overactive nervous system can hit its tipping point and begin the cycle of chronic symptoms. These symptoms may begin with injury, underlying pathology, or appear out of the blue.

Common examples include:

• Migraines

• Knee pain

• Fibromyalgia

• Leg or foot pain

• Fatigue

• Trigeminal Neuralgia

• Back pain

• IBS and other Gl issues

• Neck or shoulder pain

• Lingering pain from an injury

• Hand or wrist pain

• Other symptoms lasting >3 months

• Anxiety or Depression

Step # 8. Learned Neural Pathways

The nervous system is exceptionally plastic, which means it's flexible and resilient, but it can pick up habits easily too. Pain is one of those habits. The more the nervous system "practices" activating a certain symptom, the easier it becomes to activate it again and again.

Step # 9. Brain Changes

As pain becomes chronic, many people experience a sensitivity adjustment. The brain becomes more and more protective, detecting danger and triggering a pain response even when no danger is present.

Step # 10. Pain Related Stress and Changes

Chronic pain doesn't just impact the brain, it impacts every aspect of life, including:

• Physical activity levels

• Social life

• Relationships

• Identity

• Mental health

• Daily routine

Step # 11. The Downward Spiral

Unfairly, the brain changes and life changes that come along with chronic persistent pain, illness and dis-ease can provide the physical symptoms with fuel. Activities that naturally relieve pain and release "happy chemicals" become restricted, while fear and vigilance grow.

But... There is HOPE, and you have already started

Step # 12. Knowledge

The brain processes chronic pain using its fear system. In order to reverse the cycle of pain, the rational part of the brain (the prefrontal cortex) often needs to get more involved. Simply learning about how pain works can help the prefrontal cortex play a larger role.

Step # 13. Self-Discovery and Awareness

To help the nervous system feel safe again, it is crucial to understand what made it feel unsafe in the first place. Often this is unconscious and may require some curious enquiry. Other techniques that can be helpful include mindfulness, body scans, guided writing exercises or visualisation. An understanding of the nervous system's journey into pain, illness and dis-ease will provide a much clearer and quicker journey of the way out.

Step # 14. Targeted Rewiring

The process of rewiring the neural pathways of chronic pain requires experimentation, patience, and consistency. Science-backed techniques, can greatly assist in this process.

There is a lot you can DIY, however, with the help of a specially trained professionals, you get to the root cause much quicker.

Common techniques include:

• Pain Science Education

• Guided Meditation

• Guided Visualisation

• Parts Integration

• Expressive Writing

• Brain-Centric PT

• Graded Motor Imagery

• Time Line Therapy ®

• Family Systems Therapy

• Ancestral Release

• Generational Linage Therapy

• Regression

• Hypnotherapy

• Gestalt Therapy

• Higher Self Therapy

• Inner Child Work

• Social/Peer Support

• Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Step # 15. Transform with New Neural Pathways

Armed with a new perspective on pain, it is now possible to start teaching an old nervous system new tricks. Joy, play, gratitude, and physical activity are powerful habits that release natural pain-relieving chemicals. The more these new habits are practiced, the more comfortable they will feel in the nervous system

Step # 16.A Fresh Perspective

Following these steps can greatly reduce physical and emotional symptoms, but that is not the only benefit. The work it takes to unlearn chronic pain impacts every aspect of life, allowing for a deeper understanding of the self, better relationships, a greater enjoyment of everyday life, and a loving relationship with the body.

Phewww... How are you going?

We get it, it's a lot to take on. This may be the first time you have ever thought of your physical and emotional symptoms in this new way. So be gentle on yourself, take your time, read over things again and each time you do, you will begin the to see the bigger picture unfold before your very eyes.

If you feel a little over whelmed, that is totally fine too. That is why we are there to help you the whole way. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out. We are more than happy to answer any of your questions. You can contact us here;

Soo... What Now?

In our inner circle we say "when you get lemons, we will hand you the juice press to make lemonade. We offer a range of therapeutic physical therapies to address your symptoms, as well as holistic counselling services to get to the root cause if whats really at the core of your problem. We recommend a combination so we can address the problem from multiple angles for the most effective outcomes.

If you feel you are ready to make some real change in your health and wellbeing, feel free to browse our services here.

Who is this work For?

This work is specifically designed for anyone that find themselves going through significant health challenges that they would really like to overcome and/or they just feel they are in need for some real change in their life; to re-invention or reevaluation any aspect of their lives. It is about finding your way to renewed hope and happiness from wherever you are.

Our promise

You will Find Your Way back to Renewed Health, Hope and Happiness even though life may have taken that unexpected turn.

Our support, trained Drs, health experts, wellness clinicians and programs offer the latest groundbreaking scientific advances in pain science and mind body medicine to provide you with the knowledge, tools, techniques and knowhow for you to step back into your power, reclaim your health to get you back on track and find your new rich.

Caveat; A word of warning - Healing is not Linear

The process of recovery from trauma, injury, illness, or any other type of adversity is not a straight path that leads steadily upward, but rather one that is characterised by ups and downs, setbacks, relapses, and plateaus in more of an upward spiral.

Healing is a complex and individualised process that can involve a range of emotions and experiences, including grief, anger, frustration, and hopelessness. People may experience times of progress and improvement, followed by periods of regression and difficulty. This nonlinear nature of healing can be challenging and frustrating, but it is also a normal and expected part of the recovery process.

It's important to remember that healing is not a destination, but a journey. It requires patience, self-compassion, and a willingness to embrace the ups and downs. By acknowledging and accepting the nonlinear nature of healing, people can better understand and manage their emotions and experiences as they work towards their goals of recovery and wellness.

OK, I'm in...

Awesome!!! and we will have your back the whole way.

If any of it resonates, and you are ready to begin seeing things from a new perspective, feel free to reach out and start your journey back to optimum health.

We offer a clear pathway towards your desired destination and masterfully guide you to understand how your own life journey can become your mountain of value. You will come to understand how to successfully use whatever obstacles that you may be going through as a an exciting springboard for healing, happiness and hope.



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